• Tokyo visit (July’24)

    During the summer break, I had the opportunity to go to Japan to visit my family and (of course) train a little bit. After some days close the Mount Fuji with the family, I went to different dojos in Tokyo (東京),…

  • Lockdown : Give Kobudo a go

    Lockdown has started in Western Europe from more than 2 Months; in some country we are starting a new phase including more freedom in our daily life. Unfortunately Coronavirus is still there and we need to continue living with it. New…

  • Keep training during lockdown

    Lockdown in Western Europe is still there (depending on the country) and in France we are starting the second month at home.Dojo will not re open soon and we will be only allowed less than 10 people without any contact from…

  • Training during Confinement

    We are all facing a unprecedent global pandemic episode pushing the most of the countries to confine people. I first hope you are all well and you will stay healthy. Confinement appears today the only way to to limit coronavirus propagation.…

  • Weekend with Shimabukuro sensei

    From February 21st we had the great honor to receive Shimabukuro sensei for three days. Yukinobu Shimabukuro is the Soke Representative (上地流空手道協会 Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do Association headed by Sadanao Uechi) in Europe and Russia. Before the launch of the two days seminars…

  • 2019 October : Koburyu

    Early in October were organized by Jean Smith Sensei three Karate and Kobudo seminars school There took place in Paris, Tours & Toulouse. I assisted Paris and Toulouse (my hometown). In Paris Kinjo sensei presented his school Koburyu he created  based…

  • Grand Master Kinjo Seminars

    Grand Master Takashi Kinjo (Kobudo & Karate 10th degree) will be exceptionaly in France early October 2019. Kinjo Sensei is a well known Pangainoon & Okinawan Kobudo Grand Master he studied with Itokazu Seiki (Karate) and Shimpo Matayoshi (Kobudo). He’s training from…

  • Big June !

    June 2019 was an amazing month and a huge one for me. Indeed after only 3 years of training it was my shodan test but let’s start from the begining …. We started the last days of May with the Uechi-Ryu…