This week in the Toulouse Shubukan, I was super happy to deliver a Kyu certificate to one of my student.Antoine is disabled and we jointly worked to adapt the Uechi-Ryu Katas and techniques to fit his abilities.After some months of intensive…
On this first day of the year, I extend to all of you my best wishes for 2025, wishing the very best for you and your families.2024 has been quite an eventful year, filled with many classes, travels, and encounters.The Uechi-Ryu…
Tokyo visit (July’24)
During the summer break, I had the opportunity to go to Japan to visit my family and (of course) train a little bit. After some days close the Mount Fuji with the family, I went to different dojos in Tokyo (東京),…
Mattson Academy
From March 2022, Lionel Reynaud is now teaching within the Mattson Academy Of Okinawan Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do.Lessons are opened to the Academy members and to the On-Line Program Members (athomekarate.com & Oryukan). “This is a fantastic opportunity and & great honor to be Instructor…
Shimabukuro 2nd zoom session – Full video
Before to start writing this few lines I would like to apologize, I am very late in my Blog update. The last months saw me to face 3 lockdowns and I spent the most of my time to work and train…
Train with Y.Shimabukuro – Full video
As explained in my previous post , Shimabukuro sensei & Didier Lorho were animated a remote session in the World Uechi-Ryu Practitioners Facebook Community . During the 2 hours session Yukinobu Shimabukuro went back first in the most iconic Uechi-Ryu technique…
Suparenpei – learning Fujian Kata
As you know Uechi-Ryu style has only eight katas.The original three were brought from China by Kanbun Uechi when he studied in the Fujian (China) : Sanchin (Core kata of Uechi System) Seisan Sanseiryu The system was later modernized by Kanbun’s…
2019-2020 season a strange one ….
Lockdown : Give Kobudo a go
Lockdown has started in Western Europe from more than 2 Months; in some country we are starting a new phase including more freedom in our daily life. Unfortunately Coronavirus is still there and we need to continue living with it. New…
Keep training during lockdown
Lockdown in Western Europe is still there (depending on the country) and in France we are starting the second month at home.Dojo will not re open soon and we will be only allowed less than 10 people without any contact from…