About Me
Who am I ?
I’m Lionel Reynaud from France, I’m most known as Performance Cycling Coach.
I started to practice Goju-Ryu Karate as teenager then stop for cycling.
At that time I had the opportunity to race my bike in several European countries.

When I finished my little career, I became coach as I developed a training method based on Cyclist biomechanics.
I worked a lot to popularize the use of powermeters (at that time is was considered as an useless expensive gadget; mindset have changed from that time …).
In the last 20 years, I coached Elite Cyclists leading them to the Tour de France, Olympics and Paralympics.
During that time I had the luck with my riders to win international races, World Cup, World Championships and Olympic Medals.
After Rio Games, I had to find a new way to re energize my body and my mind.
I started Okinawa Kobudo with a fantastic French Sensei (Jean Smith – Kobukai).
Progressively Jean pushed me to try Uechi-Ryu with him to accelerate my recovery.
I was not really convinced but why not for a try.
My progress were amazing and I discovered this powerful method designed by the Uechi family.
In 2017 I had the honor to work with a legendary sensei : George Mattson who is considered as the father of Uechi-Ryu in the US.

In 2019, I had the great honor to be promoted ‘Jun Shihan’ (Instructor) by the International Uechi-Ryu Karate Federation to teach and populate Uechi-Ryu Karate.

On Line Program : ORYUKAN
During the pandemic, in 2020, driven by lot of demands, I started to build a Uechi-Ryu Karate On-Line Program called Oryukan to help people not able to go to the Dojo to learn the Powerful Method of Okinawan Uechi-Ryu.
This Program is available in French and also available in English (please contact me), do not hesitate to visit : https://oryukan.com
Uechi-Ryu Oryukai Karate-Do Community of Practice
Following the demands of our practitioners, we built Oryukai Community of Practice to share more widely our way of doing and exchange with other Uechi groups.
The aim of Uechi-Ryu Oryukai is to practice together whatever organizations.

If you are interested by the new concept of Community of practice , you can have a look of Uechi-Ryu Oryukai website (English version is under construction and will be released after 2024 summer break : https://uechiryu-oryukai.com
Even if the community practice is affiliated to the International Uechi-Ryu Karate Federation (IUKF) and the Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do Kyokai through the European branch (Uechi-Ryu Europe); it is important us to share and train with all practitioners : you are all welcomed !
Mattson Academy
In 2021, I started to teach Okinawan Karate within the Mattson Academy (USA).
I have in charge the Tuesday class which is gathering American & European Practitioners (7PM CET).

It is always exciting to run a class with different nationalities, all together to work together and improve ourselves !
In the Mattson Academy, we tend to work through the original guidance of Kanei Uechi sensei.
What is the goal of Sandairyu.com ?
I built this website to share my path within Uechi-Ryu and Kobudo.
The aim of Sandairyu is to share my interest in Okinawan Martial Arts.
I hope you will find in Sandairyu.com interesting contents and complements to your dojo practice; I will try too to post my tips on conditioning and use of modern training tools.
What means Sandairyu ?
Sandairyu is the original name of the 8th Uechi-Ryu Kata, in the 60’s its name evolved to Sanseiryu (三十六).
The original form was brought from Fujian (China) by Kanbun Uechi.
Saindaryu.com the owners, authors, designers, instructors, members, employees and/or sponsors will not assume any responsibility for injuries, damages, or losses incurred, direct or consequential, resulting from the use of this website or the information contained herein.
The videos, pictures and text material is provided for education/ information only. Use at your own risk!
Furthermore, it is strongly recommended that you take classes in martial arts and learn from a qualified instructor. Consult your doctor before participating in any physical activity or before attempting any move found on this site.