2019 November : new start
After the seminars performed with Kinjo sensei , it was time for me to finalize a project proposed by Hanshi George Mattson.
Indeed just after my Shodan, George Sensei asked me about my willing to teach Uechi-Ryu :’based on your experience of Elite Cycling Coach and regarding your karate skills you need to think about teaching, Lionel.’
I started to prepare this assessment in July and was full gas in August, September & October.
During that time, I worked a lot by building specific lessons on Uechi-Ryu skills.
In November, I had the honor to be promoted ‘Jun Shihan’ by the International Uechi-Ryu Karate Federation (IUKF).
As already said, this is great honor and now a new life starts …
I am now working on designing and building a Virtual Dojo in French for people living far from Uechi Dojo (France, Canada, Switzerland, Belgium). It should be available in Q1 2020.
It will be a first step and new new ones will follow.
Life is a travel and with Uechi-Ryu this a great travel.