• Happy New Year !

    2019 has started letting behind us the good & bad memories of 2018. I take the opportunity of this post to wish a fantastic 2019 year to you and your family. On my side, I continue to work to improve my Uechi-Ryu Skills,…

  • Uechi-Ryu Karate DVD

    Uechi-Ryu DVD directed by Lionel Froidure is available for pre-order (delivery early jan’19). Shootage took place in May this year in Toulouse area (France) during the annual Uechi-Ryu camp in Toulouse (oragnized by Cugnaux Shubukan & Toulouse Shubukan). This DVD will…

  • Kata Circuit Training

    As said previously, Circuit Training is a very powerful exercise to improve your stamina, your strength and reduce your body fat. I wanted to share with you a kind of routine I use on weekly basis during my preparation phase (we…

  • Circuit Training

    Circuit Training is a method of resistance training or weight training maximizing the volume of work done in a limited period of time. It consists of performing several exercises on multiple body parts in a row, with little rest in between…

  • Karate & Heart-Rate

    You should have seen on my photo displayed in Konchin.com frontpage  : I’m wearing a watch. This is not a mistake in fact it’s an Heart Rate Monitor. Heart Rate monitoring is the basis of numerous sports. It was firstly introduced…

  • Euronews Report

    In the frame of Karate introduction in Tokyo Olympics Euronews channel presents in a short report Okinawan Karate as the secret to a long & healthy life. This report has been shot in Kenyukai Dojo (Naha), the Uechi-Ryu practitioners will recognize…