2019 Summary
2019 : a surprising year ! I should have never expected to achieve all the things I’ve done : French Shodan, Uechi Ryu French Cup (5th in Kyu Kata), and the great honor to have been promoted Jun Shihan by sensei…
2019 November : new start
After the seminars performed with Kinjo sensei , it was time for me to finalize a project proposed by Hanshi George Mattson. Indeed just after my Shodan, George Sensei asked me about my willing to teach Uechi-Ryu :’based on your experience…
2019 October : Koburyu
Early in October were organized by Jean Smith Sensei three Karate and Kobudo seminars school There took place in Paris, Tours & Toulouse. I assisted Paris and Toulouse (my hometown). In Paris Kinjo sensei presented his school Koburyu he created based…
Grand Master Kinjo Seminars
Grand Master Takashi Kinjo (Kobudo & Karate 10th degree) will be exceptionaly in France early October 2019. Kinjo Sensei is a well known Pangainoon & Okinawan Kobudo Grand Master he studied with Itokazu Seiki (Karate) and Shimpo Matayoshi (Kobudo). He’s training from…
HOW LONG does it takes to earn a BLACK BELT ?
That’s the questions I received the most in the last couple of Months. That’s indeed a good question even if earning a Black Belt is not a Time Trial but a kind of gaining maturity in your Uechi skills, stamina, Balance…
Big June !
June 2019 was an amazing month and a huge one for me. Indeed after only 3 years of training it was my shodan test but let’s start from the begining …. We started the last days of May with the Uechi-Ryu…
Uechi Brothers in France
May will be a busy month for Uechi Practitioners ! Indeed all start with the yearly Uechi-Ryu French Cup the 25th of May (sparring & Kata) in Maisons-Laffite (Paris area). The French Cup will be chaired by Kansho and Kanyu Uechi flying…
Interview Of Yoshitsune Senaga
Today we learned from IOC that Karate will no more be in the Olympics after Tokyo. This has caused a lot of emotion and the Karate community is still divided about the presence or not in the Olympics. I will not…
Happy New Year !
2019 has started letting behind us the good & bad memories of 2018. I take the opportunity of this post to wish a fantastic 2019 year to you and your family. On my side, I continue to work to improve my Uechi-Ryu Skills,…
Uechi-Ryu Karate DVD
Uechi-Ryu DVD directed by Lionel Froidure is available for pre-order (delivery early jan’19). Shootage took place in May this year in Toulouse area (France) during the annual Uechi-Ryu camp in Toulouse (oragnized by Cugnaux Shubukan & Toulouse Shubukan). This DVD will…