• 2019 Summary

    2019 : a surprising year  ! I should have never expected to achieve all the things I’ve done : French Shodan, Uechi Ryu French Cup (5th in Kyu Kata), and the great honor to have been promoted Jun Shihan by sensei…

  • 2019 November : new start

    After the seminars performed with Kinjo sensei ,  it was time for me to finalize a project proposed by Hanshi George Mattson. Indeed just after my Shodan, George Sensei asked me about my willing to teach Uechi-Ryu :’based on your experience…

  • 2019 October : Koburyu

    Early in October were organized by Jean Smith Sensei three Karate and Kobudo seminars school There took place in Paris, Tours & Toulouse. I assisted Paris and Toulouse (my hometown). In Paris Kinjo sensei presented his school Koburyu he created  based…

  • Grand Master Kinjo Seminars

    Grand Master Takashi Kinjo (Kobudo & Karate 10th degree) will be exceptionaly in France early October 2019. Kinjo Sensei is a well known Pangainoon & Okinawan Kobudo Grand Master he studied with Itokazu Seiki (Karate) and Shimpo Matayoshi (Kobudo). He’s training from…

  • Big June !

    June 2019 was an amazing month and a huge one for me. Indeed after only 3 years of training it was my shodan test but let’s start from the begining …. We started the last days of May with the Uechi-Ryu…

  • Uechi Brothers in France

    May will be a busy month for Uechi Practitioners ! Indeed all start with the yearly Uechi-Ryu French Cup the 25th of May (sparring & Kata) in Maisons-Laffite (Paris area). The French Cup will be chaired by Kansho and Kanyu Uechi flying…

  • Interview Of Yoshitsune Senaga

    Today we learned from IOC that Karate will no more be in the Olympics after Tokyo. This has caused a lot of emotion and the Karate community is still divided about the presence or not in the Olympics. I will not…

  • Happy New Year !

    2019 has started letting behind us the good & bad memories of 2018. I take the opportunity of this post to wish a fantastic 2019 year to you and your family. On my side, I continue to work to improve my Uechi-Ryu Skills,…

  • Uechi-Ryu Karate DVD

    Uechi-Ryu DVD directed by Lionel Froidure is available for pre-order (delivery early jan’19). Shootage took place in May this year in Toulouse area (France) during the annual Uechi-Ryu camp in Toulouse (oragnized by Cugnaux Shubukan & Toulouse Shubukan). This DVD will…